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Results found: 96 | 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-96 |
Best GNM Nursing College in Assam
16-05-2022 14:56
Offering: Education, training, lessons in India, Assam ... View detailed ...

Update your nursing framework with GNM education. The GNM Nursing College in Assam has the finest educator and training faculty for midwifery. Become a professional and provide essential services to the mother and the child in the health care industry. For more course info get in touch: +91 8731944477 or visit https://www.

Best BSc Nursing College in Assam
12-05-2022 14:47
Offering: Education, training, lessons in India, Assam ... View detailed ...

As the best BSc Nursing college in Assam we prepare you for a successful nursing career. Our institute of nursing has a Spacious New Building Facilities in the center of Assam that is close to all the basic amenities. We have qualified Staff and well equipped Laboratories for getting the best practical experience.

Degree in art and social science at MA College in Assam
12-05-2022 14:29
Offering: Education, training, lessons in India, Assam ... View detailed ...

Are you seeking a master's degree in art and social science? Choose from a wide range of master's degrees in the different subjects at MA College in Assam. The faculty in the MA programme includes economics, English, Hindi, political science, sociology, psychology, home science, public administration and history.

Best MSc Colleges in Assam
05-05-2022 14:55
Offering: Education, training, lessons in India, Assam ... View detailed ...

Gain nursing education at one of the best MSc Colleges in Assam. You can opt for bachelors or a master’s in the programme. The duration of the MSc programme is two years, and the BSc programme is for four years. For more course info get in touch: +91 8731944477 or visit:

Best Placement BBA College in Assam
25-04-2022 14:12
Offering: Education, training, lessons in India, Assam ... View detailed ...
Best Placement BBA College in Assam

If we look at the number of BBA College in Assam, we can see that there are many colleges which are offering BBA program, but there are very few colleges in Assam for BBA program, which is with quality education, industrial exposure offering the best placement in the state. Arunachal University is one of them which provide learning opportunities to the students from the beginning of the semester.

Things you need to know about GNM Nursing and Its Career Benefits
06-04-2022 13:28
Offering: Education, training, lessons in India, Assam ... View detailed ...
Things you need to know about GNM Nursing and Its Career Benefits

GNM is a diploma programme in the medical sector that anyone may complete after 12th grade. This programme lasts 3 years and 6 months. If you wish to pursue a profession in nursing, there are several well-known GNM nursing colleges in Assam to choose from.

Results found: 96 | 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-96 |

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